Tuesday 4 March 2014


Some times at weekends I try and make breakfast a little bit more special and with pancake day this week I thought some blueberry pancakes would be appropriate.  I don't do these very often as you obviously add sugar but they are seriously delicious. It's even better to have a little helper who wants to help stir

Although I have to be honest, often as a parent you're looking forward to things such as a nice breakfast but it doesn't always go that way that you plan in your head. Prior to the pancakes being served two grumpy children were voicing their hunger very loudly! So we did appease them with some cereal first and when the pancakes were done we all certainly enjoyed them - especially the little man who managed to get blueberry juice all round his face!! But it wasn't quite the relaxing morning I had planned in my head!

Do you have a special breakfast you like to make?

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