Wednesday, 28 May 2014

10 things about being pregnant for the 3rd time

So as you can imagine each pregnancy is totally different. Different for both physical and psychological reasons and of course the general publics reaction. Here's my 10 observations about being pregnant for the third time. 

1. Some people really can't understand it. "But, why? You've already got a boy and a girl?" 
We have things in pink and blue so surely wouldn't want to add to this?!

2. You can't remember how many weeks pregnant you are, or what day it changes. This isn't exclusive to number 3 but this time I don't feel guilty about it. 

3. Daydreaming now consists of being slim and those gin drinking days that are ahead of me. 

4. Of course being slim usually means exercising but we won't worry at this point about how I will find time for that. Although I'm imagining I'll never sit on the sofa again so I'll burn millions of calories running in 3 directions?

5. Not many people talk about this pregnancy. Some people never even congratulate you (yes several people fall into this box). It's assumed that it's all been done twice before so you're a pro (I wish I was a pro, someone would be paying me!!) 

7. Those pregnancy aches and pains? Starting much earlier this time. Even dreaming about how sore my back is. 

8.  The third pregnancy will be much quicker. Two kids plus a full time job means it will go much faster... Surely.... Hopefully... Please....

9. Baby brain x3 is the worst. Whether it's the baby or the fact that life is generally busy I have no ability to retain information. 

10. Busy - this sums up life. Although when I tell people I'm pregnant and they reply that I "will be busy" I just look at them confused, it's not exactly like life is quiet at the moment with two! But busy plus baby brain means nothing gets done: "you must be on the countdown to maternity leave?" Erm, no. I haven't had the chance to think about it yet! 

But this time I also have experience on my side. Last time I worked until 38 weeks as I wanted time "at the other side" but this is my last maternity so will finish earlier and make the most of the "me" time and what spring cleaning I can get done in October / November. 

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