Apologies for the quietness on my blog but since I've been back at work I have been exhausted!! I'm determined to keep blogging but for the next few weeks there will be definitely be a few less posts until I'm really in the swing of things.
This is my second return to work post maternity leave and it's be fine. When people ask how it's going that's my usual response along with tiring! It is fine but not what I want! But I know in the future that part time working or a more flexible solution will be hopefully be there for us so it's not forever. I feel blessed that we have had our two close together because I've seen what a lot of full time parents don't see - your kids aren't a nightmare all of the time. I mean they are hard work but when you're working full time and they're in daycare when Saturday morning comes along it's often not as fun as you hope because they're tired and not in the child safe environment they're used to and hear "no" a lot more. Plus when you pick them up in the week they can be grumpy from a long day being busy. When I was on maternity my daughter went to nursery on Tuesdays and Wednesdays which meant that a Thursday morning we needed an activity to get out the house but get back for that much needed nap. Thursdays were often hard work but it meant by the weekend she was over that tiredness and ready for family time. It's just such a shame that now I don't see much of them during the week then at least 1/2 day at the weekend is spent with poor behaviour due to tiredness but it's the nature of the beast I suppose. Luckily now we've got to the top of the swimming lesson list so both kids will be having lessons on a Saturday morning... Hopefully followed by a nice, long lunchtime nap. One can dream can't she?
On the plus side work is ok and the kids are doing really well at nursery. My daughter has settled from doing 2 to 5 days well and my son has settled really quickly. He still cries every night when I pick him up in "I've just realised I've missed you" kind of way!! But they're happy and learning new skills all the time. Just some how I have that battle like any mum who works or stays at home... Me time, how do we make it exist?
Would love to know how other parents find time for themselves? Is it possible.
Thanks for bearing with me during this slow blog time. There are more posts in my head to come soon xx
I haven't posted for ages too- and don't even have work as an excuse! Blogging us so difficult to fit in around life! I don't know how everyone does it!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad work's going alright and that your little ones are happy at nursery! I understand it must be very difficult to get any time for you, as you don't want to miss out on any family time! It's very tricky but my husband works FT and still does his own thing once or twice a fortnight, either in the evening or a day/evening at the weekend. I guess things will start to fall into place once it all gets more settled and familiar! Xxx
Hi, nice to see a post from you, think I may have missed some but also sounds like you've been rather busy! I really feel for you trying to fit in me time and enjoyable family time when everyone's tired at the end of a busy week. You're right to try and plan for those naptimes. Swimming does always wear the out. I'm sure you'll get into the rhythm of things soon and work out how to get the most out of your family time. Good luck with it, remember you're doing an amazing job! X