Monday, 17 February 2014

Blog your heart out

So the lovely Mummy Probs has tagged me to "blog my heart out" which is basically a good way to find out more about me and other bloggers.  Basically I have to answer 5 questions and then tag five other bloggers to do the same... Disclaimer, apologies if I tag anyone who's already done it!!

Who/What encouraged you to start blogging?
After reading a lot of blogs. mainly beauty and lifestyle I thought I could give it a go.  I liked the idea of being able to share advice and also have a rant about certain things which I didn't feel comfortable doing on my personal facebook page, by setting up a blog people can choose whether to read my views or not.  I had been toying with the idea of blog writing for months before I took the plunge and it was a friend that finally inspired me.  She has labelled me her "baby guru" (ok, I admit I like the title!) and asked advice on what pram to buy and what they need for their new baby.  When I thought about it I realised that often what you think you need or want in products before kids come along is often different when the little ones come along so I wanted to share the tips that I've found along the way if only to make life a bit easier for my friends when they have children.

How did you choose what topics to blog about?
I spent a while before I created my blog thinking about what to write about and knew I wanted certain themes such as; Monday's moment which is about parents, What to buy Wednesday's and Friday Favourites.  I did think that I wanted to share our life a bit more but I changed my mind quickly and decided that I didn't want to post pictures of my children and their names as I felt that it exposed them a bit much and had a panic about internet security.

What is something most people don't know about you?
I think I'm quite open and there isn't much that people who know me don't know! I openly like gin, wine, rugby (Scotland is my team but you might not know this if you talk to me because I have an English accent), synchronised swimming etc etc.  Maybe it's my music taste, I'm 30 and still like radio 1! I do love dance music (and of course some cheesy pop!) and would still like to go to Ibiza! Another mum friend and I still have a (not so) secret hankering for a night out on the rock... One day maybe!!

What three words describe your style?
Umm, I'm rubbish at these sort of questions!  Argh.... I think Honest, open and chatty - that's a bit rubbish isn't it! Not really selling myself there!

What do you love to do when you're not blogging?
Of course number 1 is spending time with my beautiful children and husband.  I love to exercise but haven't done enough of that recently.  I used to love shopping but have realised that I don't enjoy it anymore!!
I love a bath and a magazine too!

So my nominations are:
Wry Mummy
Hurrah for Gin
Franglaise Mummy
Not a Frumpy Mum
Baby Isabella


  1. Lovely post, thanks for tagging me! I feel the same about putting up pics of my kids. Nice to be on a blog journey with you. X

    1. You're most welcome!
      Yes nice to get to know bloggers a little bit more :) x
