Tuesday, 21 January 2014

All the small things

This morning I came across a blog new to me called Mummy never sleeps and was inspired by her Tuesday link up #allthesmallthings and I wanted to share a small thing from the last couple of days.

In the past week my son has turned from a chilled, happy little boy into a teething and frustrated moaner! I feel for him so much he has teething pain but nothing is solving it and he wants to get on the move but doesn't know how!  I don't know how to help him!  So I have one grizzling baby and one toddler who turned two last week who suddenly wants to test all the boundaries and my patience!!  So during these testing few days I do repeat the mantra "it's only a phase, it's only a phase" and rejoice in the small, happy things that happen and love it even more when these strike in the most unlikely of places!  Our place was Morrisons! So we were heading into get nappies and for some reason buying 4+ and 5+ nappies is a complete mission and virtually impossible especially if you want to buy own brand nappies (I do!), so I was saying to my daughter "we're going to get nappies, lets keep our fingers crossed they have some" and cue the cute moment when she starts crossing her fingers!!  She managed it on one hand and it just made me beam with pride at this amazing little lady in front of me which made us all giggle.  Who knew supermarket shopping could be so much fun!!


  1. It is these small moments that make the rough/frustrating times worth it!

  2. Absolutely! And why I was inspired to start a blog to ensure these moments are captured!

  3. Ahhh! Kitty clicked her fingers for the first time this week too - these little things ey! x

    1. Love these things!! Clicking fingers sounds fun!!

  4. Aww I feel your boundary pushing toddler pain! Thank god they're this cute (occasionally) :) Here's to more cute and less pain!
    Amy @2boys1mum xx

    1. Yes hoorah to more cute please! We had a good evening and she's in the good books, life feels right when it's like this!
