Sunday, 11 May 2014

10 signs you're pregnant

Ok. I know this has been done before and that thete are obviously a lot of physical signs that you're pregnant but I've come up with 10 other signs that you maybe pregnant. I'm sure others may recognise a few. 

1. Hangovers. They're a thing of the past right? Well technically they are but actually much of the first trimester will leave you feeling like you've got a constant hangover. But hangovers vary in degree; sometimes you're just a bit fuzzy and tired, other times you're left hugging the toilet bowl all day. A hangover has a plus though (is there a positive to a hangover?!) you generally go to bed and wake up feeling better. Pregnancy though is a waiting game some might feel better at 12 weeks, others a bit later and some unfortunate ones might have it all the way through pregnancy. 

2. Exhaustion. We've all been tired before. Well pregnancy takes this to a whole new level of extreme exhaustion. 7pm becomes a late night. Some days are worse than others and a real struggle to get through without a nap - sadly not living in Spain our work culture doesn't appreciate siesta's!

3. Sleepless nights. Remember point 2 about being exhausted surely you could then sleep all day and night. Wrong... Sleepless nights start already. Just seems so unfair!! 

4. Eating for two. Eating for two isn't a mindset it can become a necessity. Having had a pregnancy where I can't stop being sick this time the way to stop nausea was to eat. And eat. And eat. Yes you may not need any extra calories to make a baby until trimester 3 but I listened to my body and it demanded to be fed and who am I to ignore it. Especially when the alternative is being sick. 

5. Beige diet. Pre pregnancy I'm sure many have thought how their body will become a temple with only organic food passing your lips. This would be the ideal I'm sure however even though you need to eat constantly you may not want to eat fruit and veg and carbs become your best friend. I ate the unhealthiest in the 1st trimester in my pregnancies but have decided not to give myself a hard time about it... Mainly because I was too tired to! 

6. Baby brain may start. And this time it has started in earnest! My forgetfulness is just plain annoying. Twice I've got to work without my laptop to have to return home, twice I've forgotten to take my daughters coat to nursery, I've forgotten my sons nursery bag, I've lost my work mobile (still not found it but not told work yet... I'll blame it on my baby brain!!). The worst thing, forgot my sons jabs and just hoping it can be rebooked this week. 

The offending often forgotten / lost items 

7. Telling fibs. Lying might become second nature, mainly due to hiding your pregnancy by what ever means necessary. This tonic water, of course it's a G&T, yes I'm hungry again and in need of carbs all due to too much wine again last night, yes I'm exhausted oh of course it was the kids they kept me up ALL night. Come the scan you're a seasoned pro at it. 

8. Lack of patience. Are you a patient person? This may not be the case once there's a bun in the oven. People skating on thin ice are probably; your parent, parents, children and work colleagues. Thing is this is definitely not a 12 week thing it can last the whole time and probably a few weeks after that too. Blame hormones and eventually they'll settle down and the patience will return. 

9. Time scales change. You start talking in weeks. If you're pregnant it's all about weeks and people who aren't pregnant always spend 30 seconds converting back to months. This lasts until baby is about 6 months old when you're brain can't cope with updating their age every week!! 

10. You become a rubbish friend. Either through avoiding or forgetting to reply to messages or trying to avoid a meeting in those 12 weeks where you know your lack of drinking will be a give away. This isn't always intentional but often because of baby brain (see point 6) but sometimes you also have nothing that you can say. No I'm not ok - I have the most amazing news that I can't tell you and I'm spending most my days with my head in a toilet or in bed. So you lie and say nothing then your friends stop getting in touch for a time anyway because you've become pretty dull to be honest. In most cases this is reversable though and once you break the news everyone is happy. Those that aren't really aren't worth bothering with. 

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