As I've discussed before bedtime is my favourite time of the day and a big part of this is bath time. My children both love the bath and have done from a young age, in fact my son has never cried in the bath and has always loved being in the water. It's been great since he's been old enough to share a bath with his sister and they have their final play time of the day together in the bath. Since my husband and I love swimming and want our children to love the water we have always encouraged plenty of splashing and squirting with toys in the bath although this sometimes does leave my husband and I wetter than the kids! But they're having fun and that's the main thing!
My son has quite bad eczema so we have never really added products to the bath unless we can help it because we don't want to dry his skin out anymore. But when Tots 100 offered the opportunity to try H&A Bubbly Bath I decided to give it a go. I loved the Disney packing on the bottle we were sent as it had Nemo on the front of it and I'm a sucker for Disney films however my daughter (2) doesn't yet have the attention span for a film. I have had Finding Nemo on in the background recently though as she played elsewhere in the room so was impressed when she recongised the character. So come bath time I added the bubbly bath and was really looking forward to seeing the children's faces when they saw a rare treat of a bath full of bubbles. Sadly this didn't happen as the pictures will show. I was expecting lots of bubbles or some sort of foam but was disappointed not to see this. However, this product isn't just about bubbles but about being soft and gentle and is approved by pediatricians and I have to say that is really is soft and gentle. The product certainly didn't dry my sons skin out and actually felt slightly softer. This may not sound like a big claim but my sons skin is very coarse at the best of times and has tried all sorts of treatments from the doctor so for something to make even the slightest difference then it's a good product.
So overall, this product isn't a great bubble bath because I didn't see many bubbles! But it is a good product to add to your bath if you want something to soften the water on delicate skin. I've seen that H&A have a Minnie Mouse range which I'm tempted to try as my daughter loves Minnie Mouse at the moment and would bring lots more smiles to bath time!
* I was sent the product to try but all views are my own.
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