Tuesday, 4 February 2014


I've been meaning to write this post for a while but, er, I keep forgetting.  And that's just my point I have the most awful memory and it's getting worse at the moment.  Luckily I am actually a very organised person but then my memory lets me down completely.  So I'll know it's someones birthday but then forget to get a card, or have the card and forget to get a stamp or forget what date it is so forget to send a message. I'm taking cod liver oil and eating plenty of salmon to try and get omega 3 to try and improve my brain power but currently it's doing nothing.  There are two things that are irritating me most about my memory...

Firstly, it's shopping.  I can make a list but two things that are guaranteed to happen I forget things from the list and then I forget to put things on the list.  So I end up having to go to the supermarket several times a week which is not only annoying me but my husband and the family budget.  This week alone I went to get nappies but forgot formula, so then went to get formula but need to get food for the weekend!! And as I mentioned shopping with a toddler in the high street can be a nightmare so when I go to town to get shampoo I was relieved that we survived however I then remembered that I forgot to get shower gel.  This is becoming a never ending cycle of forget, remember, shop, remember what else I forgot... Argh!!  I need to make several lists and maybe start doing some more internet shopping, although when I do internet shopping you guessed it, I forget items and then end up having to go into the shops anyway!!

Secondly it's friends.  I hate flakiness and people who double book so you can imagine how much more annoying it is when it's me that has become flaky.  Forgetting to write dates in my diary and then realising I have two things on on the same day, or reading a message and then forgetting to reply. It is so frustrating.  It's frustrating when it's to friends with children but even more frustrating when it's to friends who don't have children.  If you are lucky enough to have some friends who still treat you like the same old you that you were before children and make a great effort with your children then you really shouldn't let these friends down.  Friendships change when you have children, as much as you can try and prevent it, it happens so like I say these friends that still see the old you are the ones to be valued most.  This part of my memory I can resolve much easier but just actually writing things down in my diary straight away rather than being lazy and waiting until later when later never comes.

Has anyone else suffered with a poor memory too? It's it the result of bearing children or is it the result of having children and having constant things on your mind? I really hope it improves soon because I don't want to have to do 3 shopping trips a week for a start I can't afford it and secondly I don't want to lose any friends!  Hopefully they'll understand that I am just rubbish in general and it's not to do with one person!

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