So a couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon mummy never sleeps and in particular her linky about "all the small things". I love this idea and really think that it's a great idea to take a little bit of time out and give a little bit of space and time to the small things that happen in life because really they may be small but they amount to big things in the end!
Strangely like mummy never sleeps my small things post this week starts with a poo story! Walking into my 2 year old's room I knew that there was a great big poo waiting for me, it stank! But poo, what's special about that when you're a parent? Well when I turned on the light my daughter and I realised this was no ordinary poo. Oh dear, she's out of her sleep bag AND it's a leaky nappy! Argh! And cue the crying from my toddler as she realises she has "dirty hands mummy". It had got everywhere as these things do so everything was stripped and cleaned and she was put in the bath to have a quick shower which she hates. So, not the best start today but onward we went down to breakfast and all was fine. In fact it was all "fine" until we got the little one up from his morning nap when she started playing up a little. This I can cope with but she refused to sit on the step when asked so the whole morning went downhill from there and she gave me those "couldn't give a damn eyes" which got me wound up!! I was so looking forward to nap time although in typical style she didn't nap! As the afternoon passed we went out and had a nice day but she still played up some what and a text from my husband around 5.30pm saying he wouldn't make bathtime actually gave me great joy as I decided that a slightly early night was in order. It was when my husband got home that the small thing happened. My husband said "oh I'm too late to see the kids, that's a shame" and I thought he was being sarcastic as he knew what type of day I'd had, then he said that he wanted to go in and see our daughter but as she'd just gone down didn't want to disturb her and said that all he really wanted to do at the end of a day at work was see the kids and spend a bit of time with them. This made me smile, my husband wanted to see our kids and not only see them but spend time with them, even when they're being a little on the naughty side! I knew this about my husband already, it wasn't a surprise but it was so nice to hear. I, like most probably often don't take enough time to appreciate my husband and how good he is with our children and how much he loves them so when I heard him say that he wanted to see them I gave him a hug, just a small thing but good none the less!
Oh that's so lovely, and well done you for finding something small even after a trying day like that, I doff my hat to you :) Thanks so much for linking up!
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing the linky and having me! It's days like that where you have to laugh or cry and I think it's nice to take a moment to appreciate what made you smile!!
DeleteHa! Every good story starts with a poo... lol x #allthesmallthings
ReplyDeleteHeeHee so true!!
DeleteOh bless you, what a day, but how lovely that your husband made you smile at the end of it :) #smallthings
ReplyDeleteIs true... Though I haven't told him about this post, don't want him to get big headed!!