Sunday, 12 January 2014

Skin SOS!

Hitting thirty in August last year didn't worry me at all, I was actually looking forward to it this might have had something to do with the Mulberry presents that I knew I was receiving! But what I didn't expect when I turned thirty was my skin to return to the havoc of a thirteen year old.  I mean I am covered in spots and it's horrible! It's not just the appearance but the fact that you can feel them breaking out and new ones appearing. I don't normally mind having make up free days but at the moment I can't bear to not wear foundation.

I'm not sure whether this is an age or a skin product problem.  I've always loved beauty products but maternity pay plus some expensive dental work has meant that I've needed to take a more budget approach to beauty... Goodbye Eve Lom. And it maybe a strange coincidence but it is since Eve and I parted that my skin and I have fallen out but I don't think it is a coincidence.  I spent a while looking for recommendations on blogs for what to use but so far nothing seems to be agreeing and what's worse is I can't bear to leave the half used bottles and am having to finish the products that I don't like! On a value perspective Eve Lom doesn't work out anymore than Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish because the pot can last 3 months but if I put a £50 skincare product on my credit card my husband is not going to be happy!  So does anyone have any tips please? Any magic budget beauty products that will help my skin out? I need to find that little wonder product that is going to help my skin out and any help in that quest would be much appreciated.

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