Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Roller-coaster of emotions

You really never know what each day is going to have in store for you nor how many emotions you may experience during the day!  It really is like a roller-coaster of emotions and all this can occur in just one hour!

This month my daughter moved rooms in nursery.  We have kept her in nursery two days a week whilst I'm on maternity leave as she will be going back full time when I got back to work (let's not dwell on this as it makes me very emotional).  She loves her nursery and it's really good for her, I do think she would be very clingy if she didn't go.  She had a great couple of days in her new room coming home more excited than I've ever seen her after a day a nursery but going in this week was a different story.  We had the most tears I've ever seen and her calling "mummy, mummy" and trying to get to me.  It was the first time that I've left her with a knot in my stomach and needed a hug from someone.  I knew she would be fine and would have a wonderful day (she did) but that didn't stop that horrible feeling that she was upset and I couldn't help her. But there is never much time to dwell on it when there is two because when she's at nursery I still have my son to look after.  It's wonderful to have 1:1 time with him but honestly these are the days that he's grumpy!  It's got better as he's older but I think he misses the entertainment of his big sister, even when you think they're not interacting with each other he's obviously just used to having her around.  He did a great job of giving me cuddles to cheer me up and had a really lovely giggly day.  He's 8 1/2 months and trying (but not succeeding) to move but he's also learning to do new things all the time.  He started giving me kisses when I ask for them and the biggest smile after when I cheer him afterwards for it, although I should have learnt second time round that when you try to show off these things to friends that they won't perform!! He also waved for the first time on the same day!  Small but major milestones all at the same time.
Life is all about ups and downs and with children you end up experiencing the full spectrum of emotions in one day from immense heartbreak to absolute joy.  And the benefit of two is that at least if one is having a bad day the other maybe having a good day and can hopefully cheer the other one up!

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