Monday, 27 January 2014

Monday's Moment - Suits Series 3

So this weeks Monday Moment is dedicated to a great TV programme that my husband and I love.  It's an American drama set in a law firm which unusually for British TV is being shown on Dave.  This week is the start of the 3rd series on Dave and I'm really excited!!

This drama is smart and funny and really worth a watch and if you haven't seen it before I'm sure you could watch series 3 then catch up.  But you might need to watch series 3 again after as I'm sure a few things will start to make more sense!!  I haven't seen any previews but this is based on how series 2 followed series 1. From a feminist point of view despite the two main leads being men (that's fine!) the head of the lawfirm is a powerful (and beautiful) female, showing that it's not just men leading this drama!  It's an almost male / female cast and the women are by no means bit-parts.  There is also something for everyone, Gabriel Macht (on the right) is a very good looking man which I akin to a non-tattooed version of David Beckham and the women in the cast are also very good looking.  I'm wondering if law really is a good looking industry?

So if you've seen it before let me know if you're excited about it starting on Thursday and if you haven't seen it please watch and let me know your thoughts!!  I love having a TV series which both my husband and I both like and watch together as we often have very differing tastes!!

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  1. i watched the first one, i really want to start watching it again!! WOOp
