Friday, 17 January 2014

Friday Favourites...Littlelife daysack

This weeks Friday Favourite is one for parents with toddlers.  When your little one starts wanting to walk when out and about sometimes holding hands isn't always acceptable to them so you need another option and this is where reins come in.

These littlelife daysacks (lets call them reins) are brilliant not only do they look cute but they also pass the practical test and anything that does both is a winner in my book!  So the padded straps go on the shoulders but there is also a chest strap so the bag won't slip off the shoulders which can easily to happen with a combination of little shoulders and winter coats.  The next thing I love is the rein itself which is removable so you can have the bag as just a bag or put the rein onto something else.  The handle on the rein is the feature which is most useful as it means that I can put it over my wrist and still push the pushchair with two hands.  This makes life so much easier, I have a toddler who can't go to far from my side and yet I still have two hands free.  It's also very well made which seems to be rare these days (blimey sounding 50 not 30!!) but my toddler has pulled and pulled at it to go in the other direction and yet it still looks brand new.

This is a great product which I really recommend.  At £17.99 it's not a bargain but it is worth every penny!  Think of price per use and it really is a bargain!  Or perhaps it would be a good birthday present for a 1 or 2 year old!

Has anyone else used the littlelife bags?  Do you love them as much as I do?

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